The Elegantly Healthy Blog- The first Move you must make to restore Vibrant Health

elegantly healthy doreet elegantlyhealthy focused health practices functional movement health restoration health tips painfree & mobile painfreemobility plantbased living restorimg health Dec 14, 2024
We are meant to live the experiences of TODAY- Not those of tomorrow.
It is delusional to think we can control what tomorrow's experiences will be like. We are only responsible  for how we respond now, how we think now, how we act now in this very present moment .
This DOES  impact all our tomorrows however.
 So the present moment, every and every decision made right now, right here is where we exercise  all our power.
Our greatest power is the power to change. Not change things, but change our  very selves. Which means changing our very perception of ourselves in this actual moment.
WHAT is your perception of yourself right now? Take  a moment to ask yourself this question,
If you se yourself as a sick being, as someone "struggling with cancer of obesity or alcohol, etc." that is who you will become tomorrow and the next day, the next week the next month, the next year. You have just decided you fate!
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